
Business to business
Portal works just as well for home use as it does for store fittings or office hallway furniture. We can assist you in planning Portal for your interior design project.
Contact Kristin@tonnfurniture.com with your project.
Hallway at Hedvigs
See Hedvigs hallwayAt Hedvigs new headquarters on Tulegatan in Stockholm, a compact hallway storage solution was needed to accommodate all employees belongings. The result was three Portal shelves in width with clothes rails.
Store interior design at Petit Stockholm.
See Petit StockholmsStockholms most well-curated childrens store opened at its new address on Rörstrandsgatan. Portal became the shelf as store interior with space for childrens clothing, toys, and all other baby-related items.
Store interior at Manos
See Manos ceramic workshopAt the ceramic studio and store Manos, one is greeted by a dynamic and open Portal shelf filled with Manos beautiful things.